Vision Statement
“A vibrant Carlow society where every person feels connected to their community through active participation in voluntary activities”
Mission Statement
“To promote the value of volunteering and increase the range and quality of volunteering in Carlow”.
Guiding Principles and Values
“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something” – in other words everyone can volunteer. We affirm that:
Volunteers should be treated with respect, dignity and worth
Everyone should have an equal opportunity to volunteer
Volunteering should respect the rights, dignity and culture of others
Volunteers should be “involved” rather than “used” and that volunteering is a “two-way” relationship, mutually benefitting both the volunteer and the organisation
Our Commitment
- Promoting and supporting the voluntary and community sector by encouraging people to volunteer.
- Providing a placement service that effectively matches those who wish to volunteer with volunteer-involving organisations.
- Supporting volunteer-involving organisations through education, resources, training, information and Garda Vetting.
- Promoting volunteering opportunities to marginalised groups including the unemployed, people with disabilities, members of ethnic minorities, lone parents, early school leavers and the elderly.
- Providing a centre for good practice in volunteering, including the development of policy and procedures through liaising with statutory/voluntary bodies on voluntary work issues.
- Developing in partnership with other agencies and key stakeholders new and innovative projects that involve volunteers and build social cohesion.
- Promoting social inclusion, corporate social responsibility and active citizenship.
- Maintaining quality standards within the network of volunteer centres under the leadership of Volunteer Ireland.
Equal Opportunities
We commit ourselves to equality of opportunity for all. We recognise that in our society certain individuals and groups of people are unfairly discriminated against, both directly and indirectly. Such discrimination occurs where an individual is treated less favourably on the grounds of Gender, Marital or family status or responsibility for dependants, Disability, Race, Colour, Ethnic or national origin, Antibody status, Sexual orientation, Economic status, Age, Political or Religious belief, Membership of the Traveller community.
Carlow Volunteer Centre strives to eliminate all such forms of discrimination and to create a climate in which equal opportunities are promoted as a means of developing the full potential of everyone who is involved with our organisation. We do this by fulfilling our legal obligations and by taking positive action which goes beyond the requirements of the law, by avoiding stereotyping and tokenism.